Eukleides is a computer language devoted to elementary plane geometry. It aims to be a fairly comprehensive system to create geometric figures, either static or dynamic. Eukleides allows to handle basic types of data: numbers and strings, as well as geometric types of data: points, vectors, sets (of points), lines, circles and conics.
A Eukleides script usually consists in a declarative part where objects are defined, and a descriptive part where objects are drawn. Nevertheless, Eukleides is also a full featured programming language, providing conditional and iterative structures, user defined functions, modules, etc. Hence, it can easily be extended.
The Eukleides distribution mainly provides two interpreters:
and euktopst
. The former produces
Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files. It can also, using a converter, yield
animated GIFs. The later produces PSTricks macros. It enables to include
Eukleides figures into LaTeX documents.
Eukleides is currently only distributed as source code for Unix-like systems. It was developed on a Debian GNU/Linux platform. Hence, it should build with most of the recent Unix flavors, provided some common packages are installed (e.g. flex, bison, readline, texinfo, etc.). A win32 binary distribution is available as well.
Eukleides is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Bug reports as well as comments or contributions should be sent to the author of
Eukleides, Christian Obrecht (obrecht at eukleides dot org